This Monday, January 17th, our schools are closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Around this time each year, I study and read his famous quotes and stories. Each year I am always amazed how it feels like he is speaking more and more to today’s culture. The timelessness of his beliefs, sermons, inspiring words and actions are humbling to think about how impactful he was and still is today.
In 1963, as he was preparing for his Birmingham campaign, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a book called “Strength to Love.” According the publisher, “The book is a template for personal authenticity in a time when social and economic change depend on personal integrity.”
A quote that stood out to me from the book was:
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Reading a quote like this can elicit different perspectives for challenges that each person is current facing in their own lives. For me, one of the first things this quote made me reflect on was my team of instructors.
To say running a business the past two years, especially with employees that range from 15 year old teenagers in their first “official” job to a team of career full-time martial artist head instructors, has been interesting - is an understatement.
In times of challenge and controversy, and there is no shortage of that in our world right now, I want to let you, a.k.a. our World Class Family, know how proud I am of our team. With constant challenge of balancing stress, activities, health, family and their education, all your instructors you see in our school are simply, STEPPING UP!
When I’ve had an instructor out for any multitude of reasons, I’m always amazed at how many of my team members text me and ask how they can help and be there to support our schools. Our 15 year old Inverness instructors are asking if they need to cover for others in Hoover, even though they don’t even know those students. They simply want to make sure our students have a place to be taught!
I’m seeing a team of instructors that are going against the flow of society. When their friends are hoping to go on temporary unemployment, my team is volunteering to teach birthday parties after a full day of classes.
When it seems like more and more interactions in public at stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc are lacking basic politeness and respect, my team is going above and beyond and seeing the importance of giving respect to our students, parents and each other… just because it’s the right thing to do. They believe and practice in the idea that respect doesn’t need to be earned, but given first.
I’m proud of my team and the role models they are for our students of all ages. They have the single goal in mind, of creating a place and environment for our students to progress to their potential. With so many people thinking about “what’s in it for me?”, your instructors are thinking how can they be best for you.
For a book called “Strength to Love”, there is strength in our team, and love for you, our students in their hearts!
Thank you to my team and keep it up! And thank you to you, our World Class students and families for trusting my team, program and instruction for you and your children. The ingredients of supportive families, positive energy, and strong leadership create a powerful growth environment!
Enjoy your weekend and we will see you in class!
- Master Scarsella